Die Suche ergab 6 Treffer

von AntsNational
24. Juni 2013, 22:32
Forum: Myrmecia-Haltungsberichte (exotische Ameisenarten)
Thema: Myrmecia pavida (Mating)
Antworten: 11
Zugriffe: 19609

There were eggs, which began to develop. https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1001639_537197973006051_345031131_n.jpg ....and now larvae. Time will tell! https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/1043855_541912902534558_612257684_n.jpg Weekly updates can be found on th...
von AntsNational
23. Mai 2013, 00:52
Forum: Myrmecia-Haltungsberichte (exotische Ameisenarten)
Thema: Myrmecia pavida (Mating)
Antworten: 11
Zugriffe: 19609

AW: Myrmecia pavida (Mating)


Now the time comes to see if these eggs will turn into workers. The males have all died now.
von AntsNational
24. Dezember 2012, 07:18
Forum: Myrmecia-Haltungsberichte (exotische Ameisenarten)
Thema: Myrmecia pavida (Mating)
Antworten: 11
Zugriffe: 19609

AW: Myrmecia pavida (Mating)

Here is a better angle.


Merry Christmas everyone :)
von AntsNational
19. Dezember 2012, 16:15
Forum: Myrmecia-Haltungsberichte (exotische Ameisenarten)
Thema: Myrmecia pavida (Mating)
Antworten: 11
Zugriffe: 19609

AW: Myrmecia pavida (Mating)

Great insight guys, thanks! Well I have an update; one of the males is now dead. Three of the 6 queens are currently without wings, I cannot be certain if they mated until either males or workers hatch. For one month I will be placing all of the eggs they lay into my queenless colony, the workers th...
von AntsNational
19. Dezember 2012, 00:34
Forum: Myrmecia-Haltungsberichte (exotische Ameisenarten)
Thema: Myrmecia pavida (Mating)
Antworten: 11
Zugriffe: 19609

AW: Myrmecia pavida (Mating)

Hello, I have witnessed the mounting and coupling. They were attached for approximately 5-6 minutes, sitting there. I will get better angles when it happens again.

von AntsNational
17. Dezember 2012, 17:33
Forum: Myrmecia-Haltungsberichte (exotische Ameisenarten)
Thema: Myrmecia pavida (Mating)
Antworten: 11
Zugriffe: 19609

Myrmecia pavida (Mating)

I have been successful in observing Myrmecia pavida mating in captivity. For more pics, visit the facebook page "AntsNational World of Ants." http://www.facebook.com/antsnational https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/10412_456908147701701_665196864_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.ak...

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