max 360

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#1 max 360

Beitrag von sky2010fly » 4. September 2010, 12:43

Nike Air Max 360 (metallic silver/max orange/black/black):The Nike Air Max 360 (metallic silver/max orange/black/black) shoes have main color,metallic silver vamp,max orange Nike Logo,with black trim,great shoe!The Nike Air Max 360 are really one of these unique shoes, 27 years after the original version of the Nike Air and 2 years later,Nike shoe is the lightest term so far.Good shoes!Nike launched a great place around the beginning of the Nike Air Max 360 shoes,Nike Air Max bore all the memorable,including the Nike Air Max 1, Nike Air Max 90, Nike Air Max 180, Nike Air Max 93 Nike Air Max 95.

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