Vortrag Prof. Heinze an der TU Darmstadt

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#1 Vortrag Prof. Heinze an der TU Darmstadt

Beitrag von cvb » 17. Oktober 2016, 10:21

Hallo liebe Forenmitglieder,

Prof. Heinze wird diesen Do, 20.10., um 17:15 an der TU Darmstadt einen Vortrag über das Altern und die Fortpflanzungsstrategien von Sozialen Insekten halten. Alle Interessierten im Umkreis sind herzlich eingeladen zu kommen. Der Vortrag findet am botanischen Garten, Schnittspahnstrasse 3, im kleinen Hörsaal Gebäude B1 / 01/52 statt. Parkmöglichkeiten gibt es vor dem Vivarium, oder falls die Schranke zur Biologie offen ist. Bis Donnerstag.
Viele GrĂĽĂźe

Hier mal Titel und Abstract
The queens, the workers, and the grim reaper: Aging and reproduction in social insects

Why organisms age and die and why they do so at very different paces are still major puzzles in evolutionary biology. Perennial social insects (honey bees, ants, termites) provide suitable systems to tackle this fundamental problem. In particular ants are characterized by the extraordinarily long lifespan of their reproductive females (queens), which may live tens or hundreds of times longer than non-social insects of similar body size. Furthermore, while many animals show the well-known trade-off between longevity and reproductive success, highly fertile ant queens by far outlive their non-reproductive nestmates. In my talk I will summarize recent findings from our studies on Cardiocondyla ants, which indicate that both mating and egg laying prolong queen life span. Furthermore, our studies show that individual life span is greatly affected by the queen’s social environment without any changes in external mortality risks. The genome of Cardiocondyla obscurior has recently been fully sequenced and we currently use functional genomics and bioinformatics to disentangle the genomic interrelations between reproduction and senescence in social evolution.
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Hat sich bedankt: 66 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 32 Mal

#2 Re: Vortrag Prof. Heinze an der TU Darmstadt

Beitrag von marklant » 17. Oktober 2016, 11:11

Super. Danke fĂĽr den Tipp.

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