Can German members read and understand Dutch?
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#1 Can German members read and understand Dutch?
Hello ant friends,
My name is Kenneth (46 years) from Holland. I have a fast growing Atta sexdens colony in a, i think quit special set-up nobody has ever seen in this forum (i have checked out every blog). I like to show all members what i have made but telling everything i want to tell in English as well in German is very hard for me. I can show the photo's of course but some things need te be explained. Would it be okay if i write in Dutch? Are German people able to read and understand Dutch (not speaking ore writing) like i can read and understand German and English but are not able to speak or write it that good? Of course i can try to write in simpel Dutch.
I hope to hear from you that it is okay.
My name is Kenneth (46 years) from Holland. I have a fast growing Atta sexdens colony in a, i think quit special set-up nobody has ever seen in this forum (i have checked out every blog). I like to show all members what i have made but telling everything i want to tell in English as well in German is very hard for me. I can show the photo's of course but some things need te be explained. Would it be okay if i write in Dutch? Are German people able to read and understand Dutch (not speaking ore writing) like i can read and understand German and English but are not able to speak or write it that good? Of course i can try to write in simpel Dutch.
I hope to hear from you that it is okay.
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#2 Re: Can German members read and understand Dutch?
We can at least to a certain degree. For germans dutch often sounds like "cute german" - there may be certain words we don't know but usually we can get their meaning from the context.
I think the best would be if you'd write something in dutch so people can tell you if the get it.
p.s. I'm doing my journal in english and german. After the initial stage it wasn't actually that much work.
I think the best would be if you'd write something in dutch so people can tell you if the get it.
p.s. I'm doing my journal in english and german. After the initial stage it wasn't actually that much work.
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#3 Re: Can German members read and understand Dutch?
Hallo Serafine,
Bedankt voor je antwoord. Ik hoop dat nog meer leden antwoorden op mijn vraag. Dan kan ik besluiten of het mogelijk is om een Blog over mijn Atta kolonie te starten.
Met vriendelijke groeten,
Bedankt voor je antwoord. Ik hoop dat nog meer leden antwoorden op mijn vraag. Dan kan ik besluiten of het mogelijk is om een Blog over mijn Atta kolonie te starten.
Met vriendelijke groeten,
- Fortgeschrittener Halter
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#4 Re: Can German members read and understand Dutch?
Hello Kenneth,
welcome to our Ameisenforum. Your special-setup for Atta sexdens sounds very intriguing and I'm sure many users of our forum would like to see you introduce it to us.
As for the language, we will surely find a solution that works for all of us. Thank you for asking in advance and making up your head about this, that's very kind of you.
For me personally, the city limit of my hometown Bocholt is also the border to Gelderland, so I'm used to Dutch people and can understand them quite well. But I can't speak dutch myself. In Gelderland many Dutch also speak German, and when I'm on vacation in the interior or the coast, I have made good experiences with English, as most Dutch are really good at it, probably because of English tv.
Anyway, feel welcome and we will let you know very soon how we go on language-wise.
Met vriendelijke groeten,
welcome to our Ameisenforum. Your special-setup for Atta sexdens sounds very intriguing and I'm sure many users of our forum would like to see you introduce it to us.
As for the language, we will surely find a solution that works for all of us. Thank you for asking in advance and making up your head about this, that's very kind of you.
For me personally, the city limit of my hometown Bocholt is also the border to Gelderland, so I'm used to Dutch people and can understand them quite well. But I can't speak dutch myself. In Gelderland many Dutch also speak German, and when I'm on vacation in the interior or the coast, I have made good experiences with English, as most Dutch are really good at it, probably because of English tv.
Anyway, feel welcome and we will let you know very soon how we go on language-wise.
Met vriendelijke groeten,
Ameisenhaltung: Camponotus vagus, Chthonolasius GrĂĽndungsversuch/HB, Formica (Serviformica) fusca, Lasius (Cautolasius) flavus
Naturbeobachtungen: Maddio's Exkursionen
Naturbeobachtungen: Maddio's Exkursionen
- Fortgeschrittener Halter
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#5 Re: Can German members read and understand Dutch?
Honesty, I wouldn't mind an english journal, there shouldn't be that many people who can't understand english. Most of us probably even have less issues reading english than reading dutch.
- Fortgeschrittener Halter
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#6 Re: Can German members read and understand Dutch?
Serafine hat geschrieben:Honesty, I wouldn't mind an english journal, there shouldn't be that many people who can't understand english. Most of us probably even have less issues reading english than reading dutch.
Kenneth already stated that he thinks his English isn't sufficient. And unfortunately, there are many members in this forum who have problems reading English.
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#7 Re: Can German members read and understand Dutch?
Hallo Kenneth und Willkommen im Ameisenforum.
Ich schreibe hier auf deutsch, so wie ich dich verstanden habe hast du kein Problem damit dies zu verstehen. Mein englisch ist leider nicht so besonders
Wir würden uns sehr freuen, wenn du uns von deinen Ameisen und dem Setup berichten würdest. Jedoch, wäre es wohl angebracht deine Texte zweisprachig zu verfassen. In simple Dutsch und einer Deutschübersetzung. Wir würden dann, falls notwendig, die Deutschübersetzung optimieren von daher brauchst du dir darüber nicht allzu viele Sorgen machen.
Niederländisch ist sicher eine schöne Sprache, erfordert aber auch für viele deutsche einiges an Konzentration und etwas Kreativität um diese zu verstehen. Es wäre Schade wenn dein Bericht durch die Sprachbarire weniger Leser hat daher die Entscheidung für beide Sprachen.
GruĂź Kalinova
Ich schreibe hier auf deutsch, so wie ich dich verstanden habe hast du kein Problem damit dies zu verstehen. Mein englisch ist leider nicht so besonders

Wir würden uns sehr freuen, wenn du uns von deinen Ameisen und dem Setup berichten würdest. Jedoch, wäre es wohl angebracht deine Texte zweisprachig zu verfassen. In simple Dutsch und einer Deutschübersetzung. Wir würden dann, falls notwendig, die Deutschübersetzung optimieren von daher brauchst du dir darüber nicht allzu viele Sorgen machen.

Niederländisch ist sicher eine schöne Sprache, erfordert aber auch für viele deutsche einiges an Konzentration und etwas Kreativität um diese zu verstehen. Es wäre Schade wenn dein Bericht durch die Sprachbarire weniger Leser hat daher die Entscheidung für beide Sprachen.
GruĂź Kalinova
Meine erste Ameise: Lasius niger -> weisellos abgegeben fĂĽr Chthonolasius GrĂĽndungsversuch
Aktuelles Volk: Camponotus cosmicus
Links: Wissensteil, Regeln
Aktuelles Volk: Camponotus cosmicus
Links: Wissensteil, Regeln
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- Beiträge: 55
- Registriert: 11. Februar 2018, 10:41
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- Danksagung erhalten: 98 Mal
#8 Re: Can German members read and understand Dutch?
Vielen Dank für das herzliche Willkommen Kalinova, Maddio und Serafine. Von Saskia80 wurde mir die super Idee gebracht, Google Translate zu benutzen, damit das Sprachproblem gelöst wird. Wir werden auf dem Blog beginnen. Viel Lesevergnügen.
- Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich beim Autor Kenneth fĂĽr den Beitrag (Insgesamt 2):
- trailandstreet • Maddio