Diskussionsthread zur australischen Iridomyrmex spec. Haltung

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#17 AW: Diskussionsthread zur australischen Iridomyrmex spec. Haltung

Beitrag von Berndabcdef » 17. Januar 2009, 17:53

swagman hat geschrieben:Hier kann diskutiert, gefragt, verbessert, kritisiert und alles andere gemacht werde.

Zum Haltungsbericht geht es hier.

Hallo , danke für den guten Haltungsbericht. Hier noch ein paar Ergänzungen:
Shattuck, S.O.
Review of the dolichoderine ant genus Iridomyrmex Mayr with descriptions of three new genera (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Found In:
Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 31, (1992), p.13-18
Publication Date:
Abstract: The generic placement of species assigned to the dolichoderine ant genus Iridomyrmex is reviewed. Three new genera (Ochetellus, Papyrius, Philidris) are described, one genus (Doleromyrma) is removed from synonymy, and two genera (Anonychomyrma, Linepithema) are redefined and expanded, resulting in numerous new combinations. Worker-based characterisations are given for each genus. [Citation: Philidris: ´Species of this tropical forest group are closely associated with plants, and often live in myrmecodomatia.´ Distribution of Philidris: ´Extreme eastern India and east through South-East Asia to the Philippine Islands, northern Australia and the Solomon Islands´.]
ant, Formicidae, Dolichoderinae, Iridomyrmex, Ochetellus, Papyrius, Philidris, Doleromyrma, Anonychomyrma, Linepithema, taxonomy, domatia
Part of FORMIS 96; from AGRICOLA, Verified-AM; from ANTBIB; verified-PSW;
Gruss Bernd

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