C. R. F. Brandão, J. L. M. Diniz and E. M. Tomotake 1991: Thaumatomyrmex strips millipedes for prey: a novel predatory behaviour in ants, and the first case of sympatry in the genus (
We describe, for the first time, the predatory behaviour of Thaumatomyrmex ants on millipedes of the family Polyxenidae, based on field observations of T. atrox and a field and laboratory study of T. contumax. The capture of the prey and the removal process of its body-covering setae by the ants before they eat the millipede are described. This specialized behaviour in at least two species of the genus, belonging to two distinct groups of species, indicates a general trend in Thaumatomyrmex. We coupled this study with a comparative morphological analysis of the mouthparts and digestive tube of these and otherThaumatomyrmex species. Also, we report the first case of sympatry in the genus, which suggests that Thaumatomyrmex includes several species, and not only one highly variable taxon, as hypothetized earlier.
Hier kann der Volltext für € 34,- herunter geladen werden, einschließlich Bildern vom „Strippen“ der Polyxenidae und von den Mundwerkzeugen sowie dem Verdauungstrakt der Thaumatomyrmex:
Die Autoren hatten im Staat Bahia, Brasilien, einen Teil eines Nestes gefunden. Es bestand aus drei Arbeiterinnen, einem frisch geschlüpften Männchen, zwei
Dies ist wohl die bisher einzige Beobachtung lebender Tiere aus der