
Allgemeine Fragen und Themen ĂĽber exotische Ameisenarten (hier keine Berichte)
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#17 AW: Myrmecia-Fragen

Beitrag von ARTUR83M » 1. Dezember 2009, 16:34

Unfortunately, still can not get myrmecia species. :/
Swagman You do not write off my message ... .
Are these species is only for the chosen people ... ?
In addition to pavidy I would buy some other species. :(
Does anyone know the legal possibility of obtaining this species?

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Beitrag von swagman » 1. Dezember 2009, 19:50


I´d like to help you, but it would be better if you ask more specific questions.
So, what exactly do you want to know?

Those ants are available for everyone, but the most species are seldom on sale.
What about this shop: Have you tried it there? Myrmecia pavida is currently on sale.
But if you are looking for a cheaper offer, then I´m afraid there is non.

Apart from that, I only can try to describe the method I use to keep those ants.
I keep them in glass terrariums in a size to accommodate the size of the ants and the number of workers in the colony. The terrarium contains a nest and also works as a foraging arena.
The artificial nests are made of Ytong. It is important that half of the nest can be moistened. The other half should always stay dry, otherwise the brood will not develop properly.
I feed my ants with sugar-water and living or freshly killed insects, such as crickets, cockroaches and flies.
They do well at room temperature(20-22°C), but a slightly increased temperature(24-26°C) may be conducive for their well-being.

Certain experiences with ant-keeping may be helpful to raise a single queen of those ants to a mature colony.

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