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Ein Problem

Wo braucht Ihr Hilfe, was an Fragen Eurer Ameisenhaltung möchtet Ihr diskutieren?
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#1 Ein Problem

Beitrag von AntmanMike » 14. April 2006, 21:15

Warum kann ich nicht unter den Kategorie "Ameisenforum" absenden? Ich habe Ameisefotografieren...

Why can't I post under the category "Ameisenforum"? I have ant photos...

If this is the wrong forum for this, than I am sorry.

Mathis Funke
Beiträge: 362
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Beitrag von Mathis Funke » 14. April 2006, 21:30


if you want to post photos or other thing in this category you have to become a member first. Pleas look at this thread.
If you ask there to become a member you will be able to post in the category "Ameisenforum" and in an special intern member forum. I hope you understand my English.

Best wishes Mathis

"Du Floh am Sack eines toten Kamels, wenn du mich noch einmal ansprichst kastrier ich dich."

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Registriert: 1. Mai 2003, 04:22
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Beitrag von AntmanMike » 14. April 2006, 21:34

Vielen Dank :)

Your English is far better than my German :),

Beiträge: 1468
Registriert: 18. Mai 2003, 13:10
Hat sich bedankt: 14 Mal
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Beitrag von Scooby » 14. April 2006, 21:48

A new member from the USA!? :)

Well, AntmanMike - welcome to the Ameisenforum!
Feel free and enjoy...


Scooby :matrix:

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Beitrag von Knollnase » 15. April 2006, 12:57

Hey, your german isn't so bad ;) I hope you can read everything you want to read. Welcome here, and good luck for your ants...

By the way: Why do you use a german forum, and not an english one?

Beiträge: 14
Registriert: 1. Mai 2003, 04:22
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Beitrag von AntmanMike » 15. April 2006, 18:11

The German forum has cooler stuff and is more active than the English one.

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