Formica sanguinea Gyne legt Eier ohne Sklaven

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#9 AW: Formica sanguinea Gyne legt Eier ohne Sklaven

Beitrag von jkiefer » 6. Juli 2010, 17:57

Wir haben hier nur zwei Gynen, also weniger als 50%! Und warum mit einmal <50% zufriedengeben (eine Gyne wird nach allem was ich weiß so oder so spätestens nach gelungener Gründung sterben) wenn man auch zweimal 100% haben kann? ^^

Ich denke das ist die Quelle auf die Herr Seifert sich bezieht:
Mori, A., Le Moli, F. (1998): Mating Behavior and Colony Founding of the Slave-Making Ant Formica sanguinea (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). - Journal of Insect Behavior, Vol.11/Nr.2: S.235-245

Leider nur ein Abstract im I-Net öffentlich zugänglich:
The mating and postmating behavior of reproductives belonging to two sympatric dulotic colonies of the facultative slave-making ant Formica sanguinea was analyzed in the field. Our observations showed that the European blood-red ant adopts a reproductive behavior similar to the Bildmale aggregation syndrome.Bild Newly mated females return to a dulotic colony and often wait for a raid. Following a slave raid is an advantageous strategy to locate and invade host nests and to establish a new dulotic colony. In the laboratory, the following modes of colony founding were studied: independent, adoption, alliance, usurpation, and brood raiding. Independent foundation was possible only when several females were kept together. Alliance was obtained with females of two potential slave species (F. cunicularia, F. rufibarbis). Usurpation and adoption were more frequent in the incipient than in the mature host colonies. Mixed colonies were always obtained after the sack of the host pupae. It seems likely that, rather than conspecific adoption followed by budding, F. sanguinea relies on temporary parasitism to start new colonies.
Also wohl unter optimalen Laborbedingungen getestet.


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#10 AW: Formica sanguinea Gyne legt Eier ohne Sklaven

Beitrag von Smaug » 6. Juli 2010, 18:35

Zu diesem Thema gab es auch einen Thread im DASW-Forum:->klick<-.

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