Ameisen aus Singapur [Solenopsis cf. geminata]

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#2 AW: Ameisen aus Singapur

Beitrag von Gaster » 7. Februar 2011, 19:21

Hi Harnas, welcome to the board,

you got a small colony of Solenopsis. Most possibly it is Solenopsis geminata.

Kindest regards


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#3 AW: Ameisen aus Singapur

Beitrag von chris1994 » 7. Februar 2011, 19:22

Hi Harnas

Looks to me like a fire ant (Solenopsis geminata or Solenopsis invicta)
Let's see what the others say but if I'm right, you shouldn't keep them, they are very invasive.

Regards Christian

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#4 AW: Ameisen aus Singapur [Solenopsis cf. geminata]

Beitrag von Harnaś » 7. Februar 2011, 20:04

Thx for answers.
It surprised me because i think that Solenopsis live only in America.
But Solenopsis geminata is in the early stage monogyn. More queen's join to the colony when it is large enough and create a supercolony. I have a two queen's together from the beginning.

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#5 AW: Ameisen aus Singapur [Solenopsis cf. geminata]

Beitrag von Gaster » 7. Februar 2011, 22:20

Do you have a source for that information?
As far as I know, S. geminata lives monogyn. They can found a colony in pleometrosis (with more than one queen) and kill each other except for one later.
A friend of mine who lives in Singapore tried this for several times.

Edit: Ps: Lol, just wrote "I fried" instead of "A friend" ;)

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#6 AW: Ameisen aus Singapur [Solenopsis cf. geminata]

Beitrag von Harnaś » 8. Februar 2011, 19:54

Gaster, of course but this site is in Polish. You can translate it by google.
To open the folder of ants you need to click on "katalogu". This is in the sentence: SYSTEMATYKA
Poniżej ukazana jest pozycja systematyczna mrówek (rodzina Formicidae) w świecie organizmów żywych. Informacje na temat dalszego podziału tejże rodziny na podrodziny i plemiona można znaleźć w katalogu.<-------click it
Find a Solenopsis geminata in Solenopsidini click and read.

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