In dem Artikel geht es um Paratrechina longicornis. Diese Ameisenart pflanzt sich durch klonen fort. Zwar paaren sich Männchen und
So ein System zur Fortpflanzung ist ansonsten nur bei Wasmannia auropunctata bekannt.
Dieses System führt dazu, dass Männchen und
The differences were most extreme between queens and males: for 11 of the 12 polymorphic loci, queens and males had no alleles in common. At all 12 loci, workers exhibited allele frequencies intermediate between those of queens and males.
We suspected that these very unusual genotype frequencies resulted from a combination of sexual and asexual reproduction, whereby workers were produced by normal sexual reproduction, and queens nd males were produced asexually. Under this scenario, queens would inherit only maternal alleles and males only paternal alleles (figure 2; §4). To test whether this was indeed the case, we analysed the genotypes of the F0 and F1 individuals produced in the laboratory. Consistent with a generalized system of clonal reproduction of queens and males, we found that all 21 mother (F0) queens had identical genotypes at all 12 loci, and the inferred genotype of the queens’ mates were also all identical to each other (but had different alleles than those in queens). Moreover, all 89 F1 queens produced in the laboratory harboured exclusively maternal alleles, and were genetically identical to their mother (F0) queens and, therefore, to each other. The mother–offspring analyses also revealed a complete lack of recombination; all F0 and F1 queens were heterozygotes at five of the 12 loci and homozygous at the remaining seven loci (all queens had the same allele at these seven loci).
Dass Männchen und
Fand auch die Ãœberschrift folgenden Artikels ganz lustig:
"He Clones, She Clones: Dad, mom ants as different species"
Dort kommt auch der Gedanke auf, dass man die Männchen auch als eine eigene parasitäre Art sehe könnte:
"Males thwart the queens by eliminating the female genome in [some] fertilized eggs," he suggests. "We could think of the males as a separate, parasitic species that uses host eggs for its own reproduction."
Auch interessante ist, dass es sich hierbei um echtes Klonen handelt ("complete lack of recombination").
Parthenogenese (Jungfernzeugung) bei Ameisen ist ja schon länger bekannt (wenn auch bei wenigen Arten). Dabei können aus unbefruchteten Eiern, weibliche Nachkommen enstehen
Aber das hier beschriebene System, dass Männchen und
Ich hoffe, diese Zusammenstellung war jetzt nicht zu chaotisch und dass mehr Leute dieses Thema so interessant finden wie ich