Möchte raten: Ich tippe auf
Camponotus sylvaticus oder
C. barbaricus; diese kommen zumindest auf der Iberischen Halbinsel vor.
Laut Ameisenwiki soll
C. barbaricus alledings
monogyn sein.
Und laut "Retana, J. ; Cerdá, X. Pu (1995) Agonistic relationships among sympatric Mediterranean ant species (
Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Journal of Insect Behavior vol. 8, p.365-380 ";
http://storage.canalblog.com/47/95/598270/38761755.pdf, soll
C. sylvaticus ebenso
monogyn sein.
In "C. A. COLUNGWOOD and I. H. H. YARROW. (1969) A survey of Iberian Formiddae (
http://archive.org/details/ants_06180 " liest man dann:
Camponotus (
catalana Emery. Portugal. Alto Alemtejo*: Arrabirfa (W). This species
resembles C. sylvaticus but has the microsculpture denser rendering the body matt. The hind tibial bristles are also stouter; although described by Emery as a variety of
C. sylvaticus, it appears to be a good species. This form is listed by Ceballos from several provinces in S. Spain and is recorded by Schmitz from Portugal.
Camponotus (
barbaricus Emery. Cadiz : Guadiaro (S). Malaga * : Fuengirola (S). The form of
C. barbaricus occurring in Spain is referred to the variety
baetica Emery said to be smaller and more slender than the typical species from North Africa but no structural differences are suggested that would support a taxonomic distinction. The species in this subgenus in Europe are
all ground dwellers. Despite their robust form they are
fugitive and
disappearing below ground quickly when a nest is disturbed."[font=verdana]
Mein Fazit: Die Spezies kann mit deinen wenigen Angaben nur schwer bestimmt werden.