Odontomachus, Fluchttechnik oder Angriffsstrategie?

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#9 AW: Odontomachus, Fluchttechnik oder Angriffsstrategie?

Beitrag von PHiL » 19. Juni 2014, 23:40

Nur, weil ich gerade dabei bin, mich durch Odontomachus Literatur zu wälzen... Das Verhalten wurde 2009 genauer von Spagna et al. untersucht:
Spagna, J. C.; Schelkopf, A.; Carrillo, T.; Suarez, A. V. (2009): Evidence of behavioral co-option from context-dependent variation in mandible use in trap-jaw ants (Odontomachus spp.) Naturwissenschaften 96 (2): 243-250

Evolutionary co-option of existing structures for new functions is a powerful yet understudied mechanism for generating novelty. Trap-jaw ants of the predatory genus Odontomachus are capable of some of the fastest self-propelled appendage movements ever recorded; their devastating strikes are not only used to disable and capture prey, but produce enough force to launch the ants into the air. We tested four Odontomachus species in a variety of behavioral contexts to examine if their mandibles have been co-opted for an escape mechanism through ballistic propulsion. We found that nest proximity makes no difference in interactions with prey, but that prey size has a strong influence on the suite of behaviors employed by the ants. In trials involving a potential threat (another trap-jaw ant species), vertical jumps were significantly more common in ants acting as intruders than in residents (i.e. a dangerous context), while horizontal jumps occurred at the same rate in both contexts. Additionally, horizontal jump trajectories were heavily influenced by the angle at which the substrate was struck and appear to be under little control by the ant. We conclude that while horizontal jumps may be accidental side-effects of strikes against hard surfaces, vertical escape jumps are likely intentional defensive behaviors that have been co-opted from the original prey-gathering and food-processing functions of Odontomachus jaws.

Außerdem erinnere ich mich an eine Erwähnung dieses Anspringens zur Verteidigung in Hölldobler & Wilsons Journey to the ants.

GrĂĽĂźe, Phil

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