Polyrhachis cyaniventris

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#17 Polyrhachis cyaniventris

Beitrag von PincoPallino » 1. Februar 2022, 22:22

Hi Vitaly,

it's so cool, you're answering here! I was really surprised. Me and at least one other member of the forum were already thinking about contacting you. Done :)

I've been on your channel a several times since the first video was linked here in the forum. You have a lot of ants, I've never even heard of. Thanks for posting the videos. Also if i don't understand a word most of the time. My favorite are the pirates (Polyrhachis pirata, cool name, cool colour). Is it true, that they're weaver ants? Do you wanna keep them? Do you keep all your ants or do you also sell them?

Btw, my Camponotus nicobarensis play the drum, too, when they're excited or frightened.

Saluti a Rimini

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#18 Polyrhachis cyaniventris

Beitrag von Impuls_ants » 1. Februar 2022, 23:11

A guy from the Philippines sent me a video of Polyrhachis cyaniventris, but I did not put it on my channel. These ants live in forests, in the ground. But Polyrhachis pirata I wanted to look at the pictures in antiwiki. In the picture I saw green Polyrhachis, with a blue belly. And on the Internet I did not find a photo of a live specimen. I asked the guy to find them for me. His answer was this. You're crazy, they're rare even in the Philippines. I have never seen them live. But he started asking local keepers across the country where to find them. He searched for a month and found it. And now I have these green Polyrhachis. Here they live in the hollows of trees. They are also different in character. cyaniventris are calm. But pirata are aggressive, and large in size. Here is a video of the pirata relocation. There, a worker bit his finger hard.
I relocated them. I did not like that there were corpses, and the water from the piece of wood from the Philippines turned pink.

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#19 Polyrhachis cyaniventris

Beitrag von Impuls_ants » 1. Februar 2022, 23:16

Polyrhachis cyaniventris he sent a colony. Inside I found two winged queens. After 3 weeks, one queen threw off her wings. I took the second one in a test tube. And then the one that shed its wings began to give brood. You can see it on the video.

The second queen sits alone in test tubes. There is no brood, and there are still wings. I will wait.


User des Monats November 2021 User des Monats September 2022
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#20 Polyrhachis cyaniventris

Beitrag von PincoPallino » 1. Februar 2022, 23:29

thx for the information. Of course the pirates are the more aggressive :)

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#21 Polyrhachis cyaniventris

Beitrag von Impuls_ants » 1. Februar 2022, 23:42

The second video I showed was brood. Here is a video inspection of the Polyrhachis cyaniventris colony. In the video, I opened the lid for the first time. I wanted to know what the brood is, and how many there are.
There are two winged queens in the video.

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#22 Polyrhachis cyaniventris

Beitrag von Impuls_ants » 1. Februar 2022, 23:49

These are the ants who came from the Philippines before me
Unfortunately, the blue Diacamma did not survive. Diacamma viridipurpureum quezonicum, Leptogenys sp., Odontomachus infandus, Polyrhachis cyaniventris, Polyrhachis pirata and Stigmatomma rclinatum

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Registriert: 1. Februar 2022, 21:34
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#23 Polyrhachis cyaniventris

Beitrag von Impuls_ants » 7. Februar 2022, 22:15

I have to send a lot of different new species from the Philippines. There will be 7 colonies of Polyrhachis cyaniventris for sale. I won't write prices yet, we'll see how they get there. My email impuls4444@gmail.com

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