Auswirkungen nicht-heimischer Ameisen auf die Fauna

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#1 Auswirkungen nicht-heimischer Ameisen auf die Fauna

Beitrag von AfroIV » 22. August 2023, 18:20

Können freigesetzte oder ausgebrochene Ameisen fremder Herkunft SchÀden in der einheimischen Fauna hervorrufen? - Es ist ein in Ameisenforen oft und sehr kontrovers diskutiertes Thema.
Nun liegt eine umfangreiche und grĂŒndliche Meta-Analyse vor, die deutlich belegt, dass ganz erhebliche negative Folgen nachweisbar sind.
Die meisten Ameisenhalter und die HĂ€ndler sind ja bilingual und sollten mit dem Text der Zusammenfassung keine Probleme haben.
Notfalls kann man sich den Inhalt auch mit einem Übersetzungsprogramm zugĂ€nglich machen.
Die gesamte Arbeit muss man sich nicht unbedingt antun. Sie ist aber offen zugÀnglich.

https://resjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley ... icad.12672
Non-native ants drive dramatic declines in animal community diversity: A meta-analysis
(Nicht-einheimische Ameisen bewirken dramatische RĂŒckgĂ€nge der DiversitĂ€t in Tiergemeinschaften: Eine Meta-Analyse)
Maximillian P. T. G. Tercel, Jordan P. Cuff, William O. C. Symondson, Ian P. Vaughan
First published: 29 July 2023
Editor: Karsten Schönrogge and Associate Editor: Jerome Orivel

1. Non-native ants can cause ecosystem-wide ecological change, and these changes are generally assumed to be negative. Despite this, the evidence base has never been holistically synthesised to quantify whether and to what degree non-native ants impact native species diversity.
2. In this study, we performed a meta-analysis of the effects of ant invasion on animal communities. We extracted data from 46 published articles investigating abundance (156 effect sizes) and richness (53 effect sizes) responses of animal taxa to ant invasion in locations relatively unimpacted by other stressors (e.g. human disturbance, other non-native species) to help isolate the effects of invasion.
3. Overall, local animal diversity declined severely, with species abundance and richness lower by 42.79% and 53.56%, respectively, in areas with non-native ants compared with intact uninvaded sites. We then combined responses of individual animal taxa extracted from an article into a single response to represent the ‘community’ abundance (40 effect sizes) or richness (28 effect sizes) response to non-native ants represented in each article. Local communities decreased substantially in total abundance (52.67%) and species richness (53.47%) in invaded sites.
4. These results highlight non-native ants as the drivers, rather than passengers, of large net-negative reductions to animal community diversity in relatively undisturbed systems around the world, approximately halving local species abundance and richness in invaded areas. Improved international prevention processes, early detection systems harnessing emerging technologies, and well-designed control measures deployable by conservation practitioners are urgently needed if these effects are to be mitigated, prevented or reversed.


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