Hab mal mein Foto-Archiv durchwühlt aber leider kein richtig gutes Bild gefunden. Aber man kann wenigstens ein bisschen was erkennen... aber schwer zu sagen, ob das wirklich
Die von Ureaplasma zitierte Arbeit hatte ich auch gefunden. Allerdings gibt es auch einige Arbeiten die das Gegenteil behaupten.
In The Ants Seite 166,167 findet man einige Verweise auf Delage in denen berichtet wird, dass Messor Drüsensekrete an
Auch bei Blattschneider-ameisen gibt es Berichte von
Für Atta sextends
E.O.Wilson, Caste and division of labor in Leaf-Cutter Ants (
"workers were recorded as they regurgitated to larvae 1.5-3.0 in total length or fed tufts of hyphae to larvae in this size range (data accumulated during two days). Feeding large-intermediate larvae: workers were recorded as they regurgitated to larvae 3.0-5.0 mm in total length or fed tufts of
hyphae to larvae in this size range (data from five days). Feeding largest larvae: workers were recorded as they regurgitated to larvae greater than 5.0 mm or fed tufts of hyphae to larvae in the same size range (data from two days)."
hier noch 2 Paper für Atta
Für Acromyrmex
Milton Erthal Jr. et al., Digestive enzymes in larvae of the leaf cutting ant, Acromyrmex subterraneus (
"It is possible that the adult gardener ants regurgitate chitinases from the labial glands onto the fungal material fed to the larvae, initiating the digestion of the fungal cell walls even prior to ingestion by the larvae. Conversely, larvae could regurgitate their own labial gland secretions to
supplement the digestive needs of the adults that live in close association with the larvae, receiving these liquids by
Dort wird übrigens auch nochmal auf Delange eingegangen:
"In the case of Messor capitatus, studies have shown that the larvae supply proteinases to the adults, whilst in exchange, the adults supply carbohydrases to the larvae (Delage, 1968)."
und noch ein paper für Acromyrmex
Von daher wäre ich sehr vorsichtig mit der Aussage, dass es keine